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About Us - The Full Story

Second Spring Bed Linen came about after another sleepless night for founder Tania, due to a combination of night sweats combined with winter sheets. "There must be a better way to share a bed with someone who likes to be wrapped up in winter sheets while I am overheating several times a night".​ 


Tania spent the next day searching the internet for bed linen that would give both her and her husband a good night's sleep whilst catering for their individual body temperatures. Upon finding nothing available she set about creating a bespoke product whereby one half of the sheet is a cooling fabric (perfect for those of us that prefer to be cool at night) while the other half is a "winter weight" fabric (perfect for sleepers who like to be warm in bed).  She then spent time working out how to join the two sheets together so that the transition between the two fabrics was as seamless as possible, and Boom! -  Second Spring Bed Linen was born!​ 


Another 12 months were then spent finalising the product design, sourcing  environmentally friendly fabrics and finally contracting a manufacturer who was on-board with the new design of bed linen and whose manufacturing standards and finished product were second-to-none.


Oprah Winfrey once said:

"So many women I've talked to see menopause as an ending. But I've discovered this is your moment to reinvent yourself after years of focusing on the needs of everyone else.  It's your opportunity to get clear about what matters to you and then to pursue that with all of your energy and talent."​





I have been asked many times how I came up with the name "Second Spring Bed Linen" for the name of my company. I played around with many, many names over a few weeks before settling on Second Spring.







In Traditional Chinese Medicine, menopause is called the 'Second Spring' in a woman's life. It represents the renewal of energy and opportunities as there is a shift from fertility and reproduction, to conserving and nourishing the self. I loved the sound of the description "renewal of energy and opportunities" which seemed to fit perfectly for the stage of life I was at, as menopause had well and truly found me. Launching my brand of dual-zoned bed linen was definitely an opportunity to fill what I saw as a huge hole in the market for couple's who have different body temperatures (believe me, you are not alone!) As for the renewal of energy, setting up a company from scratch definitely gave me the burst of energy I was needing and craving for. The beauty of my bed linen though is that it is not just for women going through menopause, but is also perfect for ordinary couples who just simply have different body temperatures. So many younger people I have spoken to have told me that they are always cold at night even in summer but because their partner was hot, they had to put up with summer sheets but had to layer up on the clothing. With our dual-zoned sheets they now have their own warm side of the bed while their partner is happy on the cool side. So that is the background to how I came up with the name. Thanks for reading this far again and remember to check out our testimonials I look forward to helping many more New Zealander's have the best sleep they deserve.

How the name 'Second Spring' came about 

Tania Robinson
Founder and Director of Second Spring Bed Linen


Creator of Second Spring Bed Linen who can boast that this bed linen makes for a  great night's sleep! Tania is an interior designer by trade so has a great eye for detail and design whether it be for homes or bed linen.


Second Spring Bed Linen (TM) is proudly created and designed in New Zealand.

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